rainy spring wedding at Lyman Orchards

Everyone had been watching the weather for days leading up to the wedding, and when the morning came along with a healthy heaping of rain, the bride took it in stride - and with a smile on her face. Weather is the one thing you can’t control on your big day, and if I can offer one piece of advice to couples in the present and future, it would be: let it go.

Everyone dreams of a beautiful, sunny and 70 degree day. But having photographed hundreds of weddings over the years, I can honestly tell you that no matter what the weather is, if at the end of the day you get married to your best friend and the love of your life, it’s going to be the perfect day.

My second piece of advice: make sure you have a beautiful backup. Lyman Orchards was gracious enough to allow us the use of the homestead, and we stayed protected from the rain all while getting the most stunning images.


spring maternity session at wadsworth mansion


motherhood in black and white